Two weeks ago I said I would do the following:

  1. Tell at least two people everyday about my goals, and get them inspired about them (aka, enrolling people, or networking)
  2. Listen to at least one Law of Attraction for Financial Freedom podcast episode
  3. Do EFT tapping for wealth (YouTube video here) twice per day

Bah, been slacking in updating this section of my blog.

I’ve been doing really well about telling at least two people everyday about my goals and getting them inspired about them.  Yesterday, when I had a modeling job, I was a bit nervous about networking with all the people there.  I think because I was worried that if i didn’t make a good impression, I would blow a potential opportunity/contact.  But I want to trust myself and my instincts and my abilities. So I will 🙂

Enrolling people in my life and goals has really proven effective.  I feel much more inspired and invigorated when I get a lead from someone I talk with, than job hunting on craigslist or  It’s because there’s already a level of trust established.  So I’ve been focusing more on networking/enrolling others, instead of straight job hunting.  But my old habits sometimes creep up on me and I get scared that I should be doing more or job hunting like I used to do.

I haven’t done any EFT tapping for wealth, because I’ve been doing EFT tapping for low energy – it’s been such a struggle waking up in the mornings.  If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.  So that’s become my priority.  Though I will start doing EFT tapping for wealth this week.

Next week:

  1. Tell at least two people everyday about my goals, and get them inspired about them (aka, enrolling people, or networking)
  2. Listen to at least one Law of Attraction for Financial Freedom podcast episode
  3. Do EFT tapping for wealth (YouTube video here) twice per day