Tag Archive: job

Two weeks ago I said I would do the following:

  1. Diversify my writing portfolio by doing a Weekly Writing prompt at least one day a week
  2. Find and reach out to at least ONE website centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services

Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t written a blog post in two weeks.  And on the 1st year anniversary of this blog page, too.

While I have not been diversifying my writing portfolio, my awesome Amazon coworkers, whom are all writers, decided to do a weekly writing prompt.  How f***ing amazing is that???  I have never had such a fun group of coworkers, who share so many interests as me (in other words, we’re all geeks).  So I’ll be able to diversify my writing portfolio every week now, and get great feedback as well.  Plus, my writing skill will get stronger from reading other people’s writing.  I’m excited.  This week is our first week of doing the writing prompt, and our prompt is to incorporate a figure from mythology.  I got Baldur – a Norse god.

I think I’m going to put my second task on the back burner for now, since I’m already plenty busy with work and with this new weekly writing prompt.

Seeing as how this is the one-year anniversary of my (recorded) quest to achieve wealth, I think a little reflection is in order.  Well, after checking my first blog post for the “Road to Financial Abundance” page, I have discovered that I actually made my first post on May 26, 2011.  So it’s more like 1.5 years since my first post. Regardless, I feel it’s good to take stock of what I’ve learned and my progress.  Unfortunately, I don’t feel I’ve come very far.  I still have about the same amount of money in my checking account, I don’t have a reliable stream of income (I don’t count contract work reliable), and I still only have one stream of income.  Pretty fucking depressing.  Not sure how else to look at it.  I know I’ve learned some things, but the main goal was to be financially abundant (making $5,000 per month), or at least be better off financially than I was at the start of this.

What does it mean?  I feel like shaking my fists at the sky, or banging them against the ground in frustration.  Why do some people seem to be blessed financially, while others like me have to struggle so much to achieve wealth?  It doesn’t seem fair.  Maybe I’m just destined to always be part of the working class.  I don’t see a way into wealth, unless some miracle occurs.  And, I’m tired of hoping, wishing, waiting for one; I’m sure it’s healthier to be optimistic, but all this left me exhausted.

I just want money.  Why can’t I achieve it?  What’s in my way?  What am I not doing?  Well, I think the following reasons are the answer:

  • I don’t have a wealthy family
  • My parents don’t know how to make lots of money
  • I don’t have any wealthy relatives nearby to help me become wealthy
  • I don’t have any mentors in finance

I don’t

I don’t

I don’t want to focus on the negative, but I also don’t want to ignore very realistic reasons for why I’m not advancing towards my financial goal.

So the above are all possible reasons.  They could all be “glass half empty/full” views.  I think the above factors definitely haven’t helped my quest to find wealth.  I just am finding it harder to find possibilities and miracles.  Tapping usually helps me when I’m down, but I’m so fucking sick of temporary remedies; I want hard evidence of windows of possibility, of actual progress.

Next week:

  1. Complete Weekly Writing Prompt for coworkers
  2. Tap to feel better about my finances

Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Diversify my writing portfolio by doing a Weekly Writing prompt at least one day a week
  2. Search for jobs on craigslist everyday and apply to at least 3
  3. Find and reach out to at least ONE website centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services

So sorry it has been almost two weeks since my last post, guys.  But I’ve just been so busy after getting a job AT AMAZON!  Woo-hoo!  I can’t tell you how exited/relieved I am.  Just finishedmy first week, and my coworkers are great and I really enjoy the job itself.  I’m looking forward to growing and supporting my coworkers.

Well I feel like taking a break in the whole hunt for abundance; I feel like this job will bring me lots of wealth.  I do still want to continue my writing and write regularly for a film and/or gaming website.  That can still be part of my tasks.

Next week:

  1. Diversify my writing portfolio by doing a Weekly Writing prompt at least one day a week
  2. Find and reach out to at least ONE website centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services


Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Diversify my writing portfolio by doing a Weekly Writing prompt at least one day a week
  2. Search for jobs on craigslist everyday and apply to at least 3
  3. Find and reach out to at least ONE website centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services

Sorry I missed last week, guys.  I’ve been busy going to interviews, yard work, side work for a local realtor, and dealing with my poor quality of sleep.  All excuses, I know, but at least I’m being proactive, hehe.

Alas, I have not been diversifying my writing portfolio, due to the afore-mentioned reasons.  I know I need to take responsibility, but sometimes it feels so hard when outside factors seem to weigh down on me.

I have been searching for jobs on craigslist, but the pickings have been slim.  Thank god I just had two interviews with a great company this week; I hope I get one of the positions.  I should know within a week.  In the meantime, I’ll continue searching craigslist, but I’m really hoping I get one of these positions.

I haven’t reached out to film websites lately as well.  Arghhhh…  I will do that today.

Next week:

  1. Diversify my writing portfolio by doing a Weekly Writing prompt at least one day a week
  2. Search for jobs on craigslist everyday and apply to at least 3
  3. Find and reach out to at least ONE website centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services

Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  2. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  3. Diversify my writing portfolio every day
  4. Reach out and help at least one person a day (called “giving The Gift” in the book, The Gift)
  5. Figure out how to install Google Ad Sense on this blog (having trouble)

Like I mentioned in my accompanying Body post, these past two weeks have been a low point in my life.  I’m so sick of not having an income, so sick of job hunting, so sick of going to networking events… I debated whether or not to talk about this, but I think it’s important to showcase all aspects of a journey, including struggle and hardship.

Let’s see, I’ve been checking craigslist every day for writing and modeling jobs.  Found some interesting positions for which I applied, so I’m waiting to hear back.

I do need to do better about diversifying my portfolio.  In defense, I’ve been revising a test article a social media marketing company, so that’s been great practice.

I’ve been getting better about asking more questions of people, as I try to figure out how to help them.  Oddly enough, it can be tough to figure out exactly what people want and what I can do for them in that moment.

The Google Ad Sense has been really frustrating.  I’ve decided to put it on the back burner, since I feel I could be devoting more time to job hunting.  I’m thinking of switching to Blogger so I can easily install Google Adsense.


I started the above post yesterday, and today, I have two interviews set up with amazing companies!!!  An overwhelming feeling of joy, relief, and happiness has been hitting me in waves all day today.  I have my first interview tomorrow, and another next Tuesday.  The one for next Tuesday, I have to come up with a 15 minute lesson plan and teach it, which should be exciting.  I will create that tomorrow at the latest.

Next week:

  1. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  2. Diversify my writing portfolio every day
  3. Reach out and help at least one person a day (called “giving The Gift” in the book, The Gift).  This has basically become a habit by now, since it gives me such joy, so I won’t be listing this as a task anymore

Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Finish reading and complet all exercises from What Color Is Your Parachute?
  2. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  3. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  4. Diversify my writing portfolio every day
  5. Reach out and help at least one person a day (called “giving The Gift” in the book, The Gift)

Well, I did not get that flexible, part-time job by May 31st.  I have been really depressed and angry about it, but last night something really incredible happened.  I was planning on going to a networking event, but a lady from my Landmark Education group had just completed an Advanced Course there and invited me to her graduation the same night.  I told her I wasn’t going to go, since I was already planning on attending this Advanced Course, just as soon as a I got a job, so I didn’t see the need for me to go to her graduation night (where they basically explain why you should take the Advanced Course).

To make a long story short – I changed my mind and decided to attend this Landmark Education Advanced Course introduction night.  Here are two incredible things that happened:

  • Another lady from my group, Dora, offered to pay the deposit of the Advanced Course, so that I could have time to get a job and pay the remainder
  • Christine, the successful realtor who led the Landmark sessions, offered to coach me and help me get a job

I’m excited about taking the Advanced Course in September, but I’m more excited to have Christine as my coach.  I’ve always wanted a money/career mentor, and Christine is one of the best people I could have imagined for the role.  She’s extremely successful AND she’s a Landmark leader, which means she’s very driven and gets shit done.

Christine coached my last Wednesday, which coincided well with a job interview that same day.  Christine brainstormed with me on different actions I could take to achieve my goal.

I want my mom to take the Advanced Course because she really wants to take it.  But I also want financial abundance for her, and I’ve love for her to have a money/career mentor as well.

Didn’t finish What Color Is Your Parachute?, as I discovered there are more in-depth exercises that can only be completed by writing in the book.  So, I’m going to put this book on the back burner while I turn more attention to being coached by Christine.  When I have a reliable income (that I enjoy), I’ll buy the book for myself, my sister, my mom, my brother, and my boyfriend, as I know they all need more direction & clarity in their careers.

I did complete a creative writing exercise yesterday, so I will add that to my blog today.  Woo hoo!

Been reaching out and asking to help people almost everyday, per inspiration from The GiftI was really gung ho about it when I first completed the book, but about a week into helping people, I got really frustrated – for the majority of people, they either didn’t tell me they wanted, or they weren’t sure what they wanted.  Argh!  I even asked some people TWICE what they wanted (in separate emails), but got no response.  How weird.

Anyways, sorry this post is so late – I took a break last weekend from a week of hectic job hunting.  Will be more in-depth in my next post.

Next week (this week):

  1. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  2. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  3. Diversify my writing portfolio every day
  4. Reach out and help at least one person a day (called “giving The Gift” in the book, The Gift)
  5. Figure out how to install Google Ad Sense on this blog (having trouble)

Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Finish reading What Color Is Your Parachute?
  2. Complete all relevant exercises in What Color Is Your Parachute?, to better aid my job hunt and goal of getting a flexible, part-time admin job by May 31st
  3. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  4. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  5. Diversify my writing portfolio every day

Well, I was out of integrity last week – I used the Memorial Day weekend as an excuse not to do the majority of the above tasks.  I did have a good time at the beach with my boyfriend and some friends though, so I’m glad my time was well spent in other ways.

I didn’t finished reading What Color Is Your Parachute?due to a fairly large exercise.  It’s the main exercise of the book, so I’m excited to finish it and glean some useful information, namely “transferrable skills”.

I have been checking craigslist nearly every day for writing & modeling jobs, but no such luck.  As I declared about a week ago, I want a flexible, part-time admin job that pays my expenses ($800/month) and a bit more, so that I can devote more time to building other avenues of income.  Hmm, perhaps I didn’t declare that last bit; good thing I’m doing it now, hehe.  I’ve realized that,

A) It’s much more safe to rely on multiple streams of income, since most jobs nowadays cannot guarantee longevity

B) I enjoy my free time – I enjoy having a flexible schedule so that I can travel, do more spontaneous things, and schedule events with a certain amount of “wiggle” room

I’ve been looking for some type of admin job in the entertainment industry (tv, radio, film, etc), since I’m really interested in such industries.  But, there are definitely more full-time positions than part-time ones, and most of the positions I’ve found are secretarial work, where I have to be behind a desk for an allotted time.  I know I’m probably being picky here, but I still want a flexible schedule, even in my part-time job.  I just want to create things – how I do it and when I do it are my own business.  I understand there are deadlines and I actually love them, because they force me to be more productive and make a game out of completing the task.  But with a 9-5 (or 8-12 in my case) job, it’s so boring.

I did get a response from a film site, Film-Book.com, about a writing position, so I’m happy about that.  I’m excited about writing movie reviews and other things movie-related.  The only concern I have with the site, is that it’s very dense with ads, which throws off the aesthetics and navigation of the site.  I want to see what other film sites are out there, but for now, I’m going to give this one a shot.  I’m looking forward to when I can write for such sites with peace of mind, knowing that I have a reliable income that pays my monthly expenses.

Have not been doing a good job about diversifying my writing every day.  Ugh.  Trying not to feel guilty about it, as I know it doesn’t help.

As somewhat of an excuse for all this non execution of my tasks, I have been going to a lot of networking events.  I have been to 2 since my last blog post – one organized by a local BNI group, one by the GSBA, and I’m going to one tonight by the Eastside Networking Event (a LinkedIn group).  Whew!

One last thing I want to share – last week, a local SGI Buddhist member graciously invited me and some other friends over for dinner, since I reached out to him asking him about his experiences as a tv writer.  I shared with him my frustrations about the lack of mentorship/guidance among professionals, and he gave me a signed copy of a short book he and a few others had written, titled The Gift.  Basically, it’s message is that, when we give and help people without an agenda, it has many benefits.  Namely, that it can be a great feeling to have helped someone, and when you help others, they help you. So, I have been doing all I can to help others, and it is really paying off.  I feel much lighter, I’m excited to help people achieve their goals, and job leads are coming to me from the people I have helped!  It’s pretty amazing.  So, I’m looking forward to tonight’s networking event, which my best friend Ray will attend as well.

Next week:

Hopefully I’ll have a flexible, part-time admin job I love, which pays my expenses

  1. Finish reading and complet all exercises from What Color Is Your Parachute?
  2. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  3. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  4. Diversify my writing portfolio every day
  5. Reach out and help at least one person a day (called “giving The Gift” in the book, The Gift)

Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  2. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  3. Diversify my writing portfolio every day

I put all my tasks on hold due to the discovery of a certain book – What Color Is Your Parachute?, by Richard Bolles.  A friend from the Landmark Education recommended  it, and it’s proving to be extremely useful in job hunting and figuring out a career.  I’m only half way through it, and I feel very hopeful reading Bolles’ different suggestions and advice on job hunting techniques.  For example, in one chapter, Bolles lists the 5 least/most effective job hunting techniques (craigslist, networking, cold calling, etc).  Turns out that job hunting via craigslist is one of the least effective methods; networking is among the most effective methods.

So I’ve been devouring this book and am just now doing a self-inventory exercise to determine my skills, passions, knowledge, etc.  Apparently, this is the most effective method of job hunting (don’t ask me how just yet, as I’m still figuring that out).

Have NOT been reaching out to other websites centered on film/movies, because last weekend I got two calls – one from a technical writing agency regarding working for them (turns out the majority of their work doesn’t start till June), and one from a temp agency regarding a temp job that was supposed to start on Monday (that job fell through).  So, in my excitement, I celebrated by not job hunting and writing Thursday – Monday.  Oh well.  I’ve been feeling guilty about it, but I know guilt doesn’t accomplish anything, so I’ll let that go and move on to better things.

Also have not been diversifying my writing portfolio for the same reason as above.

So I have been making reading this book my number on priority, because I believe it has some great job hunting techniques, and I should probably reassess my transferable skills.

Next week:

  1. Finish reading What Color Is Your Parachute?
  2. Complete all relevant exercises in What Color Is Your Parachute?, to better aid my job hunt and goal of getting a flexible, part-time admin job by May 31st
  3. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  4. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  5. Diversify my writing portfolio every day

Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  2. Find and reach out to other websites centered on interests, and promote myself
  3. Diversify my writing portfolio every day

I’ve been doing very well with checking craigslist every day for writing & modeling jobs.  I applied to some, which felt great, though at the same time, I think, “It would be a lot better if I got a job through a contact, so there would already be a level of trust established”.  Oh well; I guess either method works, as long as I find a job I love.

So my mom & I attended a guest speaker event last night at the Landmark Education office.  The event was centered around breakdowns.  The biggest thing I got from it was that it’s so very important to COMMUNICATE, especially during a breakdown, as your peers can help you spot your blindspots and help you think up new actions to take.

So I made a new commitment out of last night

To have a flexible, part-time job that I love by May 30th

As you all might know, I’m also working hard on becoming a writer full-time, so I am writing every day, in order to diversify my portfolio and just to exercise my creative muscles.  But in the meantime, I figured I’d do admin work, since that’s what I have the most experience in, and it seems like it’s a more stable job than writing.  Ideally, I’d love to work with the entertainment industry (i.e., tv, radio, flim, etc).

A lovely young lady sitting next to me last night recommended I check out BNI.com, which is a global networking organization that organizes regular networking events.  She said I should come to the one in Fremont on Thursdays.  Their website also lists networking groups/events happening in my neighborhood (Kirkland), with all of the events taking place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  So, I’ll attend both until I find a part-time job.

Just ordered 250 free business cards from VistaPrint (Christ, I’ve heard that ad so much on Pandora.com).  I’m excited to start using them to promote myself and my skills, and to network with others.

I need to find and reach out to websites centered on film/movies & video games, as I would love to write for free for such industries.

Next week:

  1. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  2. Find and reach out to other websites centered on film/movies, and offer my awesome writing services
  3. Diversify my writing portfolio every day
  4. Attend BNI networking events in Kirkland, then assess whether I should attend those of surrounding areas

Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  2. Find and reach out to other websites centered on interests, and promote myself
  3. Diversify my writing portfolio every day

Been doing better about checking craigslist everyday for writing, modeling, and admin type jobs.  But I find when I reach the end of the list, I get depressed and hopeless about ever finding a job.  I know I’ll find a great job (or jobs, if I can do freelance writing to pay my monthly expenses), but right now it feels totally hopeless.  Can you tell I’m in a low place?

Been doing EFT (tapping) to help work through all this frustration and to get in a positive attitude (law of attraction).

I have been reaching out to websites centered around film/entertainment and video games, as I’m finding that I’m really passionate about those two things.  But I haven’t heard back from any of them, which leads me to believe that my time is better spent networking.

It’s been very fun adding to my writing portfolio every day.  I find that I’m better able to express my thoughts & feelings in more concise and creative ways, as a result of writing every day.

One of my biggest frustrations from networking with other professional writers (or professionals in general), is that the majority of them are so reluctant to give REAL help.  The majority refer me to some great resources (mostly websites) for writers, and say “Good luck!”  But no offer to reach out to see if they know anyone who might be hiring writers; no offer to answer any other questions I may have; no offer for guidance/mentorship.  Did these people forget that they were once struggling, aspiring writers?  Or did their family or peers always hook them up with jobs & opportunities?

I know I have way more people/forces helping me, than those who are not, but at the moment, I feel only anger & frustration at the majority of professionals unwilling to be a guide/mentor.

One of the biggest aspirations I’ve gotten out of this most recent job hunt and from Landmark’s teachings about networking, is to set up some sort of mentorship system in the US public education system.  I remember in high school and college, the most we had was job shadowing, but even that had a lukewarm energy to it.  There was no real effort to ensure a long-lasting, mentor-like relationship between an apprentice and a master.

When I have financial abundance, I’m going to set up some sort of mentorship system in the US public education system.  I’m going to make millions of people realize that they are always both an apprentice and master in at least one area in life.  And, that it’s their duty as a master to educate, pass down, and guide willing apprentices to mastery of that area.

A recent quotation I read really sums up my feelings about this:

“The greatest gift of success is to teach others how to obtain it”

Or something along those lines.

I feel like an old man in his rocking chair on his battered porch, whining about “what’s wrong with this country”.  The problem is that nobody wants to be a mentor to anyone.

In the meantime, I’m tapping at least once every morning before I do anything, in order to get myself in a positive state of mind.

Next week:

  1. Check craigslist everyday for writing & modeling jobs
  2. Find and reach out to other websites centered on interests, and promote myself
  3. Diversify my writing portfolio every day


Last week I said I would do the following:

  1. Do EFT tapping for wealth (YouTube video here) twice per day
  2. Continue networking, enrolling people in my life and goals
  3. Listen to at least one Law of Attraction for Financial Freedom podcast episode
  4. Finish reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Haven’t been doing EFT tapping for wealth, because I’ve been getting home so late from work and have been really busy.  But I’m fine with that, since my temp job ends April 11th, and then I’ll have more time to fit in EFT tapping and other activities.

I’ve been getting more and more out of the Landmark seminars I go to every Wed night.  There are a total of 10 sessions, and last night we completed session 5.  So far, the biggest things I’ve been gleaning from the seminars are the following:

  • Enrolling people (aka, networking) into my goals and life
  • Taking action despite fear of looking good/bad
  • Incredible support group
  • Not assigning morality to so many things

Of course, there are other great things I’m gleaning from this course.  I highly recommend it to anyone, as it’s chock-full of extremely useful advice about living a more powerful life.

I listened to another Law of Attraction for Financial Freedom podcast episode last week and it was uplifting, but I forget the specific wisdom I gleaned from it.  Hehe.  The one I’m listening to today cracked me up and inspired me lots.  A regular guest (Karen?) was talking about “Love equaling Money”, and how there is a stigma against money and the desire to have money – something I have been a bit frustrated about lately. But she inspired me, talking about how she believes it’s perfectly OK to want money just for the sake of having money.  I totally concur.

Definitely been networking/enrolling people in my life and goals, especially my most recent one (which I am committed to obtaining by April 11th):

To write for a progressive, creative company where I only work 20-30 hours/week, so I can invest more time in other writing projects, modeling, and other interests.  I want this so I can be free, wealthy, and creative.

Still reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It’s getting a little too technical for my tastes, so I’m a little reluctant to finish it, but I still want to glean as much as I can from anything, so I’ll finish it.

Next week:

  1. Celebrate having gotten my dream job!!!
  2. Continue networking, enrolling people in my life and goals
  3. Listen to at least one Law of Attraction for Financial Freedom podcast episode
  4. Finish reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People